At Elm Wood, we take pride in creating a safe and supportive learning environment for our students. We also offer a great school uniform selection, both new and pre-loved.

Blue sweatshirt*
Green polo shirt*
Mid grey trousers or skirts
Grey socks / tights
Black shoes, not trainers​
​*with school logo​
KS1 & KS2
Blue blazer*
Grey jumper* (optional)
White shirt
School tie (can be elasticated)
Mid grey trousers, smart shorts, skirts or pinafore dresses
Grey socks or tights
Black shoes, not trainers
*with school logo
Green T-shirt with school logo
Green sweatshirt with logo (optional)
Green tracksuit bottoms or shorts
Plimsolls or trainers
To ensure that the children are as comfortable as possible whilst they are at school, we have made slight adaptations to our school uniform during warmer weather conditions.
These adaptations will run alongside our normal uniform expectations.
In the warmer weather the children will be able to wear the following items to school:
White short sleeved polo shirt
Summer dresses made of green gingham
Grey Shorts
Please note that on hot weather days we will not expect the children to wear their school ties or blue blazers
Only studded earrings and small. Objects of religious significance may be worn.
Your child may be asked to cover/remove jewellery during PE lessons for safety.
We offer opportunities through the year for families to acquire second hand uniform.
Any donations of clean, pre-loved uniform should be dropped off at the school reception.
358 Norwood Road
West Norwood
SE27 9AA​
020 8244 7887