At Elm Wood, we believe that every child is unique. We are proud to be an inclusive school that is committed to learning for all. We respect and value difference, and we are committed to ensuring that every member of our school community feels a sense of belonging within the school and wider community and to know that they are respected and able to participate fully in school life.
We strive to ensure appropriate learning and positive experiences for all our learners. All children share a common entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the full breadth of their needs. Throughout each child’s time at Elm Wood, we value the involvement of the child, the family and the wider team working around the child.
At Elm Wood, we aim to:
Make inclusion a thread that runs through all of the activities of the school
Provide a secure and accessible environment in which all our learners can flourish and in which all contributions are considered and valued.
Include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity.
Provide positive non-stereotyping information about disabilities, gender roles and diverse ethnic and cultural groups
Improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity.
Follow the guidelines set out in the SEN Code of Practice
Ensure that all learners have equal access to a broad, balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to meet individual needs and abilities.
Identify children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) as early as possible and plan a programme of support and intervention to address their needs.
Regularly monitor the progress of children through review meetings, lesson observations, support/Individual Education Plans and data analysis.
To give regular feedback to learners and their parents/carers and involve them in the SEND process
To provide regular up to date training for staff in relevant areas of Special Educational Needs.
The Elm Wood Inclusion team is led by Mrs May Chapman (Assistant Head Teacher – SENCo).
You can get in touch by calling 02086701621 or emailing elmwoodsenco@ghf.london.