We have updated our curriculum for Religious Education at Elmwood for 2024-25 for Years 1 to 6. We have chosen to adopt the excellent Kapow scheme of work for R.E. and have ensured that this meets the requirements set out in the Lambeth Agreed syllabus for R.E. In the Early Years, children are taught about different communities, celebrations and beliefs through our topic-based approach and bespoke planning, building towards meeting the understanding the world: people, culture and communities early learning goal and preparing the children for learning about different religions and worldviews in Key Stage One.
Our religion and worldviews curriculum aims to develop deep thinkers who are open-minded about religion and worldviews. Our curriculum at Elm Wood is relevant to pupils, reflecting and preparing them for life in modern Britain. Through the scheme, children secure a deep understanding of concepts in order to be able to make connections, ask and respond to challenging questions, learn to respect and appreciate worldviews that are different to their own and consider their personal preconceptions, responses and views. Children build their conceptual knowledge through studying religions and worldviews locally, nationally and globally in our progressive curriculum, enabling them to make links and connections between worldviews, develop disciplinary skills and build on their understanding of their own views and beliefs in relation to their learning. By revisiting key ‘big questions’ and building on prior knowledge, pupils will learn about how religion and worldviews are lived experiences across the world, consider the impact of worldviews on society and have opportunities to consider their personal worldviews. From years 1-6 R.E. is taught in half-termly units throughout the year.