Through our inclusive, engaging curriculum, we aim to inspire the children in our Elm Wood family.
It is our ambition to ensure that when our pupils leave us at the end of Year 6 they have:
​strong foundational skills in reading, writing and maths, ready for their next stage in education and beyond
a love of learning and rich knowledge-base across a broad range of subjects
the knowledge and skills to view themselves as scientists, historians, mathematicians, artists...

At Elm Wood the National Curriculum and Early Years framework are taught through exciting and engaging topics which have been selected to reflect the rich and diverse communities that our school serves.
In the Early Years we structure our learning through play in line with the Early Years Framework. Children learn through first-hand experiences, books, explorative resources and rich conversation. Children’s physical and mental well-being is at the heart of our curriculum and planning.
The curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2 includes the following National Curriculum subjects as specific in their Programmes of Study - English, Maths and Science are known as the core subjects, whilst Art and Design, Design and Technology, Computing, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education and Religious Education are known as the foundation subjects. Timetables and curriculum coverage are carefully considered so that each subject is allocated sufficient time to cover each programme of study.
Each topic has either a history or geography focus. Each subject curriculum ensures that learning is carefully sequenced, builds upon what the children have learned in the past and prepares them for future learning. Subject specific vocabulary is identified and explicitly taught to support understanding and language development for all children. Where appropriate we make cross curricular links to deepen children’s learning and understanding.
Learning is enriched through half termly school trips which are linked to topics. School is able to take advantage of the opportunities on offer in London to equip our children with cultural capital.
In addition to this, we teach Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, including an age-appropriate Relationship and Sex Education curriculum  (RSE). A core focus on pupils' personal development is embedded across all aspects of school life and reflected in our Elm Wood Promises. We have high expectations of all our pupils and support them to be aspirational for themselves, develop a strong sense of self-esteem and the confidence to thrive.