Our curriculum follows the expectations outlined in the National Curriculum to ensure coverage and progression in mathematical knowledge and skills. To support with planning and assessment, teachers use a combination of White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning and resources from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics to ensure that our maths curriculum delivers a clear progression of knowledge from EYFS to Key Stage 2. Our intention is that all children secure their conceptual understanding and become fluent with mathematical facts and procedures. We provide varied opportunities for children to apply their mathematical knowledge and develop reasoning and problem-solving skills, enabling them to deepen their understanding.
All children at Elm Wood have daily maths lessons following the ‘Maths Mastery’ approach. Maths lessons are engaging and enable children to make small steps in learning to build upon prior their knowledge before applying it to reasoning and problem solving. Children have opportunities to use concrete manipulatives and a range of pictorial representations to support with their conceptual understanding. They practise key number facts to develop fluency in each lesson as well as learning the correct maths vocabulary. Children develop their mathematical reasoning and competence in problem solving, as well as making links between maths topics.
We also use Times Tables Rockstars as a tool to help pupils develop fluency in multiplication tables. All children in Key Stage 2 will have a log-in for this.

Lessons are typically delivered in five key parts:
Fluency Practise
The children spend a short time practising recall of key number facts e.g. number bonds, times tables.
Anchor Task
The whole class spends time on a question guided by the teacher. The children are encouraged during this time to think about how to solve the question mathematically.
New Learning
The teacher introduces, explains and models the new learning for the lesson.
Guided Practice
Children practice new learning as a whole class, in groups, pairs or individually guided by the teacher.
Independent Practice
Practice on your own. Once children have mastered the concept, they use their reasoning and problem-solving skills to develop their depth of learning.