At Elm Wood we are committed to inspire the children through our inclusive and engaging curriculum. If this commitment is to succeed, good pupil attendance and punctuality is vital. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child attends school each day and on time.
Very good attendance is of the utmost importance. We know this because those children who do not have good attendance do not achieve as well as those who do have good attendance. We will do everything we can to support families with good attendance, including reward systems in school and working with parents/carers and children together.
Children with 100% attendance are celebrated in weekly assemblies. House points, certificates and prizes are awarded to induvial children and to classes with the highest attendance for each week and at the end of each term.

The government says that children should have an attendance of at least 95%
Having 90% attendance is like having one school day off every two weeks
Having 85% attendance is the same as missing a whole half term of school
Having 80% attendance is like having one school day off every week
If you have a two-week holiday during school time each year, you will have missed 14 weeks of school by the end of year 6
Parents/carers must notify the school on the first day of an unplanned absence – for example, if their child is unable to attend due to ill health – by 8.55am or as soon as practically possible.
To report an absence, parents need to call the school office on 0208 670 1621. If parents are calling outside office hours, parents should select the ‘report a pupil absence’ option and leave a clear message stating their child’s name, class and reason for absence.
Please follow this link for more information on when your child should return to school after being unwell.
Appointments during the school day are discouraged. If such an appointment is unavoidable, then please present documentation to the school office so that registers can be completed accurately.
Holidays during term time will not be authorised and Elm Wood Primary School follows Lambeth’s policy of implementing fixed penalty notices for such instances.
The school days starts at 8.55am and registers are taken at 9:00am Children arriving at school after 8.55am must report to the school office and will be recorded as late in the register. Action will be taken by the school should a child regularly arrive after 8.55am.
Research shows that good attendance and punctuality is vital to ensure that children are given the opportunity to meet their full potential. Please support your child and ensure that they come to school every day on time.
For further information please see our Attendance Policy.